
Should You Give Your Kindle eBook Away for Free?

A test began on 12:00AM PST on April 21, 2012 with several ebooks being offered for free in the Kindle Select Program. As of this posting the number of downloads for the free version is as small as 0 and as great as 109. The test will run until 12:00PM PST, April 22, 2012.

Since several books being offered for free went live at the same time, so far we may deduce the following...

1-The genre of the book will have something to do with the number of downloads.
2-The book title, tags (keywords), description and book cover will have something to do with the number of downloads.
3-If people aren't willing to download a book for free then there's a great chance they aren't interested in buying it either, therefor it would be wise to make adjustments on one's book title, tags (keywords), description and/or book cover.

SPECIAL NOTE: If there are any questions you'd like answered regarding this test, please ask. Thank you!

After the test is complete I will offer a full analysis of my findings which will break down a number of factors not listed here. To ensure you have access to this analysis please add your email at