Your book may not be for you. Your book is for your readers and the sooner you come to this truth the sooner you'll take the next step in self-publishing your own book. You may need to write, proofread, edit, publish, market, promote, distribute and sale your book. Whatever stage you're in remember that your book isn't for you it's for your readers.
When you think of the lives your book may touch your spirit of achievement is rekindled. You'll think about what you need to do and how you're going to do it. You'll revisit and revise your master plan. You'll take immediate physical action towards the attainment of success as though your life depended on it.
You'll have a multitude of reasons why you decided to write and publish your own book, but at the end of the day the book you write is for your readers not for you. If your book is divinely inspired you have even greater reason to finish, publish, market and sale your book.
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