
Publishing for Profit - It's Not Hard

IT'S NOT HARD in fact.... Making money online can be easy especially if you;

#1- Pick a method and stick with it. This is where most people fail. They'll develop "Shiny object" syndrome and jump from program to program. The best way to avoid shiny object syndrome is to unsubscribe from marketing emails and stay away from webinars touting the next "latest & greatest" way to make money online.

#2- Commit to taking "Massive" action for a set period of time, say 6 months to a year. Put down the remote control, web surfing, FB for at least 6 months and you'll be amazed at how having the right focus will help you big time. One thing that I see is pretty consistent amongst the highly successful is that they allow very little if any outside distractions to interrupt their goal and watching TV is almost a total no no. (Even just having the TV on with it watching you is a big mistake).

#3- Don't try to make it to "Perfect". In other words, since we are on the Internet you don't have to make it all PERFECT right out the gate because you can always go back and easily improve things as you get better at doing them. (in fact since I'm writing this using my tablet, I'm not to concerned with making it "Perfect" I just want to get this info out to those that can use it). I've made this mistake myself and its cost me a lot in wasted time, ideas, money and lost sales. Don't sell crap, but at the same time don't delay yourself trying to make it PERFECT!. I have a good buddy of mine who has worked on a program that she was planning on selling online and so far it has taken her 4 years of "Getting it Right" simply because she is afraid of it not being perfect. 4 years!!

#4- See your outcome before it even happens. having a clear goal in mind makes working toward that goal even more rewarding. When writing out your goals include things like your family and how you'll be able to help others. i.e. now that I have reached my goal of making $XXX a month I can donate money to charity that help sick children, etc.

The biggest thing is to stay focused. Stick to one thing and one thing only because every time you change your mind you literally have to start from "Square One" all over again. So while you are constantly starting over, the person who is focused will have a huge lead on you simply because he / she choose to commit to one thing.

Hope this help anyone out there looking to start or are in the middle of starting an online venture.
Stay Focused!
Ty Cohen

Ty, posted this on Facebook and I thought it was such a straightforward and useful read I'd thought you'd enjoy it too. Ty is the gentlemen that turned me onto the Kindle Publishing Cash Flow System. He promised me it wasn't a get rich quick program, required work and time, but with that in mind I was able to make real money, month after month and he's been right and exact.

Focus Your Motivation™